Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pascal's Triangle

Hi guys, well I just thought I could write a little history of the pascal's triangle for you guys, and also I think Mr. P told us to write something about the pascal's triangle on the blog.
Sets of numbers that forms the pascal's triangle was known. He made many applications for the triangle, and he was also the first one to organize all the information he gathered. In the 13th century, Yang Hui made an arithmetic triangle that was the same as the pascal's triangle. In China, the pascal's triangle is called the Yang Hui's triangle. In the 11th century, Yang Hui's Triangle was known by a Chinese mathematician named Jia Xian (1010-1070). There are other countries who refer the Pascal's triangle to another name just like Yang Hui's triangle. Therefore many people all over the world have different names for the Pascal's triangle.

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